關於 D.R Hair Beauty 國際級品牌 - D.r Hair Beauty Mall 國際 中國大灣區醫生服務 1. 博士,研究生導師 Dr 苗勇 主要從事於毛髮移植、脫髮治療和毛髮再生的臨床與基礎研究工作。 2. 燒傷整形外科 Dr Yang 楊旅軍教授 楊旅軍,燒傷整形外科主任醫師,博士學位,碩士研究生導師,燒傷整形外科副主任。 3. 醫療美容科 Dr Zhang 張春麗教授 1994 年畢業於濱州醫學院,從事耳鼻喉頭頸外科十餘年,自 2004 年專注頭面部美容整形方面的研究,在眼部、鼻部整形及面部年輕化的綜合治療有豐富的臨牀經驗 DEVELOPED BY XTEMOS STUDIO @ 2021. We work through every aspect at the planning WE DO IT FOR YOU WITH LOVE 2010 FOUNDING YEAR 2000 HAPPY COSTUMERS 190 COMPANY WORK WITH US 2 OFFICES 21 TEAM MEMBERS 750 PROJECTS COMPLETED Our company history and facts I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now. Design & development process demonstration A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul,like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart.